Planning and Goal Setting Workbook
Create a business plan that will set your business up for success in 2021 and beyond.
Wondering what process you should use to plan your year to increase revenue and profits?
Don’t have a business roadmap? Don’t have a plan to grow and scale in 2021? Is the process overwhelming?
There is more to creating your business plan than writing goals and adding a timeline – the real results come from identifying what is working in your business and what is not.
You can “get by” and:
1. Wing it by continuing to work in your business and not know where to focus to drive results.
2. Crash and burn due to slow or no growth from not having a business plan. OR
The 2021 Planning and Goal Setting Workbook will take you through a systematic and repeatable process to plan for your business.
In the workbook you will do the following:
• Set your business goals & objectives for the entire year
• Create a step by step action and profit plan
• Break down annual goals into quarterly sprints
• Forecast sales
• Identify marketing gaps
• Plan team expansion/reduction
• Map your growth and profit for the entire year